Need an Extra Workout

Suppose we have a rubber band here. It should be neither too stretched nor too loose to perform its job in order to make the muscles perform ideally; we need to place them in the best length. Take a look at a person with a pelvis tilting backward and the ribs sagging forward. The abdominal and iliolumbar muscles cannot function in that posture properly, and this decreases their strength and our body figure become flabby!
On the other hand, we cannot use the muscles efficiently when we keep them tense for a long fixed period of time. We need to maintain the length and flexibility in muscles in order to move them effectively for daily action. Let’s make our skeletal structure well aligned and be ready in the neutral position. A proper healthy posture exists when you can always perform the best in any direction. Now, try to move your body freely. The body axis is maintained by moving and returning to the neutral position. That’s how we align ourselves, by not keeping our posture unnaturally upright. We can learn this through exercises. We may increase metabolism with the proper muscle actions from a position where the body is well aligned, and in the best length. Have this be your routine postural exercises!

Speed Up Your Metabolism
Sit on your p!nto with your bottom firmly placed against the backrest. Stretch your legs out straight in front of you. Move your feet backwards and forwards from the ankle Next, outstretch your arms to the side. Straighten up and raise your pelvis if you can. But never push yourself too hard.
Can you pull your back off your p!nto?
Sit on your p!nto lightly. Bend your elbows at a 90 degree angle and put your forearms together in front of you. Open and shut your arms. Raise your pelvis and arch your back as you open your forearms and tilt back as you close them and slightly round your back. Repeat 5-6 times. You may notice the sequence algorithm of the pelvis and spine. Please make sure your spine and pelvis are moving smoothly together.
Sit on your p!nto with your bottom firmly placed against the backrest. Straighten up and raise your left knee to the right elbow. Swap arms and knees and repeat.
Try not to bend your upper body, but try to bring your knee to the elbow as much as possible.
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