occupational therapist / seating designer / sleep care counseling
hisako noumura
Hisako Nomura has been an occupational therapist for 40 years. She has designed the p!nto series, which has sold over 400,000 units in the past 10 years. She has written numerous books and lectures, and appeared on BS Fuji's “One Drop on the Other Side. She opened “P!NTO SEATING DESIGN” in Minami-Aoyama, Tokyo, in order to provide a system of vitality that transcends disabilities, while constantly updating the many comfort systems she learned from people with disabilities.
作業療法士 / シーティングデザイナー / スリープケアカウンセラー
野村 寿子
作業療法士歴40年。年間300件を超える採型を行い、1 万人以上の姿勢に関する相談や、様々な姿勢に関する 悩みを解決。10年間でシリーズ累計販売40万台を超えるp!ntoシリーズをデザイン。著書、 講演なども多数。BSフジ「一滴の向 こう側」出演。障害をお持ちの方に教えていただいたたくさんの心地よさの仕組みを常に更新しながら障害の有無を超えて元気のシステムとしてお届けしたいと考え東京南青山に「P!NTO SEATING DESIGN」をオープン。
sensory intetior
- 1999
- P.A.S. Inc. begins as a painting and ceramics school with an occupational therapist.
- 2012
- Commercialization, development, and design study of the “Back Cushion,” a seat with an integrated backrest, utilizing the know-how of rehabilitation for physically disabled people and the technical expertise of a workshop that manufactures seat-keeping devices.
- Announced “p!nto” using the three-dimensional backseat integrated technology “ ETHREEM Technology”
- 2013
- Released “p!nto,” a cushion that adjusts posture just by sitting on it, a product for the general public using proprietary technology.
- Commercialization plan, development, and design study of “p!nto kids” for children Sales launch
- 2014
- Announced “p!nto driver,” a cushion for drivers that focuses on driving behavior and enables rapid matching of people and cars.
- Released “RAQDA”, a cushion that supports the sciatic bone in a plane.
- 2015
- p!nto” was created in collaboration with the Kyoto brand ”SOU・SOU.
- Cushion for women “p!nto beauty” was born.
- Released “p!nto Mold Seat,” a cushion specially designed for wheelchairs.
- Released “p!nto school,” which connects the two themes of “disaster prevention and attitude education.
- Pinto “P!NTO CHAIR LIVING”, a chair-type Pinto that condenses the ideas of occupational therapists, is released.
- 2016
- Exhibited at Maison & Objet in Paris during Milan Design Week.
- “P!NTO CHAIR EVOLUTION” is released.
- “P!NTO ZERO GRAVITY“ is released.
- “VIOLA (P!NTO × HIDA)“ is released.
- “P!NTO CHAIR CLASSIC“ and “P!NTO CHAIR MINI“ are released.
- Released “p!nto air”.
- Exhibit at Creative Travel to Japan 2017 at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France.
- P!NTO SEATNG DESIGN, produced by Hisako Nomura, opens in Minami Aoyama, Tokyo.
- P.A.S. EU is established in Italy and begins sales in Europe.
- 2019
- Winner of the German Design Award sponsored by the German Design Association.
- 2023
- Selected as a candidate company to exhibit at Expo 2010 Osaka.
- 1999
- 作業療法士がいる絵画教室や陶芸教室として(株)ピーエーエスがはじまる
- 2012
- 身体障がい者の方向けに行って来た “身体を整える”リハビリの ノウハウと、座位保持装置を製作する工房の技術力を活かして、背座一体型シート「背ざぶとん」商品化、開発、デザイン検討
- 三次元背座一体型技術「エスリーム技術」を用いた「p!nto」発表
- 2013
- 独自の技術を用いた一般向け商品座るだけで姿勢が整うクッション「p!nto」をリリース。10年でシリーズ40万台を超えるヒット商品となっている。
- こども向け「p!nto kids」の商品化計画、開発、デザイン検討 販売開始
- 2014
- 運転動作に着目し、人と車を快速にマッチングさせる、ドライバーのためのクッション「p!nto driver」発表
- 坐骨を局面で支えるクッション「RAQDA」をリリース
- 2015
- 京都のブランド「SOU・SOU」とコラボレーションした 「p!nto」が誕生
- 女性のためのクッション「p!nto beauty」が誕生
- 車いす専用のクッション「p!nto Mold Seat」をリリース
- 「防災と姿勢教育」という2つのテーマをつなげた「p!nto school」をリリース
- 作業療法士のアイデアを凝縮した座椅子タイプのピント「P!NTO CHAIR LIVING」リリース
- 2016
- ミラノデザインウィーク パリメゾンエオブジェ出展
- VIOLA (P!NTO × HIDA) リリース
- 「p!nto air」をリリース
- パリ・ユネスコ本部で開催される「Creative Travel to Japan 2017」に出展
- 野村寿子プロデュースP!NTO SEATNG DESIGN が東京・南青山に誕生
- イタリアに「P.A.S.EU」設立ヨーロッパにおける販売を開始
- 2019
- ドイツデザイン協会主催 ドイツデザイン賞Winner受賞
- 2023
- 大阪万博出展候補企業に選出
- 1999
Nurturing Play - Encounters and Movements Open Up the World of Children (Kyodo Iryo Sho Shuppansha)
Nomura, Hisako and Sasaki, Masato 1999 - 2007
The Human Encompassed - An Ontology of 'Environment' (Iwanami Shoten) Co-author
Masato Sasaki (ed.) 2007 - 2013
The Ecological Turn of Knowledge 2 Technology: Artificial Environment Surrounding the Body (University of Tokyo Press) Co-author
Jun-ichi Murata (ed.) 2013 - 2014
The Nomura Way: No need for a focused posture! -The 15 Laws of Mind-Body Alignment
Hisako Nomura 2014
- 1999
- 遊びを育てる -出会いと動きがひらく子どもの世界(協同医書出版社)
野村寿子、佐々木正人 - 2007
- 包まれるヒト -〈環境〉の存在論(岩波書店) 共著
佐々木正人(編) - 2013
- 知の生態学的転回2 技術: 身体を取り囲む人工環境(東京大学出版会) 共著
村田 純一(編) - 2014
- 野村式ピントくる姿勢のはなし! -心とからだを整える15の法則